May 2013:
[...] It was on this expedition we met the people of Hahapor, a volcanic island north of Drawoh. A beachcombing culture, they make most of their belongings from debris turning up on the western beaches of the island. Their central god Kakari, custodian of storms, waves, currents and of the tides, is believed to create the debris out in the western horizon during stormy nights. The first day after the storm has settled, the women of Hahapor gather all debris in a circle on the beach, and the men institute a thanksgiving by dancing around the pile wearing elaborate masks made from the tops of plastic cans. The Hahapor people trade with Drawoh merchants, trading debris money for textiles and alcoholic beverages. For currency the indigenous people of the region use a particular category of debris: Circular corks with holes in the middle. We had spotted loads of these along the Surfers Ace coast, so we sailed over and retrieved a fortune. We purchased a good selection of ritual masks from the people of Hahapor. These masks, along with decorative items of debris-rope macramé and a scepter constitute our donation to the Etnographic Museum of Uslo [...]
This excerpt from the Hahapor diaries also appeared on the Myster Gulf map, developed by Kartografi in spring, 2013.